10 Simple Ways to Live More Green Today

10 Simple Ways to Live More Green Today
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

If you have read this article, you have probably asked yourself about what you can individually do to help the environment and live more green. So here are a few very simple tips or reminders, most of which you probably already know:

1. Recycle

Instead of throwing your trash, you can send what you can for recycling so that it can be turned into a new material. Recycling is not too difficult to do. Read the labels. Find bins with recycling signs. When we send materials for reuse, we don’t throw them away or let them harm the ecosystems, rather we put them back for use.

By recycling, we reduce the negative impact we have on the environment. Did you know that the water in our oceans is so polluted that there is a large amount of it currently killing millions of sea animals and marine life. Now is the time to start making small, but significant steps for improving the health of our oceans and we can commence with recycling.

2. Buy More Local Food

Is there a farmer’s market near you? If there is, you can take the opportunity to buy foods from there because organic production is more healthy and less harmful to the environment. Buying products of less than 100 km distance can ensure you more that the food you are going to consume is going to be fresh, and you are also more aware of what you consume. It also tends to be more affordable than buying the same products from the store.

By buying local food, you reduce your carbon dioxide emissions. Products from distant locations need to be transported by vehicles. The longer the distance, the more carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere by those vehicles.

3. Consume Less Meat

Our forests and rainforests are destroyed in order for us to buy meat. We need land for making a way for livestock. Loss of wild areas to agriculture and farming is the biggest cause of mass extinction of wildlife. A thing that you can do is decrease the amount of meat you buy from the supermarket and fast-food chains.

Remember that manufacturers create products for you. If you stop buying them, they will stop producing them. Try limiting meat or stopping the consumption of it. For example, if you eat 6 times a week, try to go down to 4 times. Even the smallest steps count. And you can reduce your meat consumption down to the minimum for your best personal environmental footprint.

4. Replace Plastic Bags With Canvas Bags

We only use plastic bags temporarily and then we get new ones for use again. They go into our oceans and create water pollution. Do we really need plastic bags when we can buy a longer-lasting canvas bags that also happen to not harm and pollute the environment? Of course not, you can just get a canvas bag for shopping. You will be happier with its convenience in the long-term, it will also not cost you much to get a canvas bag.

It is not easy to get rid of all plastic, especially when we are talking about plastic bags because they are everywhere and society has made us believe that we need them, but you can take small steps to change the way you live by using canvas bags for shopping.

5. Reuse What You Can

Are you thinking of throwing something away because you do not need it anymore? We all do and we should not keep materials we no longer need. But it turns out that we may need them even if we don’t think so. Therefore, think twice before throwing something away.

You can use a bit more creativity and make something new out of a used product. But if you don’t feel like a really creative person, or you don’t have time for it, no need to do it. But at least try to not throw away things the moment you don’t need them, if they are in a good condition, you might need them later.

You could also look for places from where you can buy reused products. This saves money and it reduces your greenhouse impact and it is definitely helping you live greener.

6. Turn off the Lights When You Are Not in a Room

Yes, we all need electricity in our daily lives. However, electricity is energy, most of which comes from the burning of fossil fuels. When we continue using electricity when we do not need it, unnecessary amounts of fossil fuels have to be burned and we waste energy. Make sure to do something as simple as switching off the lights when leaving a room or turn off the TV if you are not watching. You can also slightly cut your TV watching hours, which will also help you sleep better and live greener by reducing carbon emissions.

7. Conserve More Water

Water is the most essential substance for us to be alive and that is why it is important to have enough of it. We use it for everything: drinking, cooking, cleaning etc. Unfortunately, water is not produced on the planet and we can only consume fresh water which is less than 1% of the whole water on Earth. As the climate continues to warm, freshwater sources become more and more limited.

At the same time, the demand is growing due to the growing population. So what can you individually do? Simply use as much water as you need. For example, when you brush your teeth, you can temporarily stop the tap from running while brushing them. You can also try using water-saving devices in your house.

8. Find Alternatives to Daily Plastic Materials

Together with recycling your plastic, it is a good idea to also reduce the amount that you consume. A great idea would be finding alternatives to it.

Plastic pollution, as you may know, is a global and growing problem. Because it takes centuries for synthetic plastic to degrade, it makes it difficult to sustain a life of heavy daily consumption of plastic. Find ways to decrease your plastic consumption.

Despite of the fact that plastic products are everywhere nowadays, reducing your plastic consumption does not have to be difficult. For example, if you have always been getting your water in plastic bottles, now start with glass bottles. You can also buy products made by biodegradable plastic which takes fewer years to decompose. Open your eyes for the different options that exist and how you can use them to reduce your plastic consumption.

9. Use Energy Efficient Lightbulbs

Yes, you can try this! While it costs a bit more in the short-term, it will actually save you money in the long run. Not only would you be taking care of your wallet this way, but they would also cause less harm to the environment. They require significantly less energy while lasting 12 times longer than traditional lightbulbs.

The most common types of energy efficient lightbulbs are light emitting diode (LED), compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), and halogen incandescent. You help not only the planet, but yourself too.

10. Drive Less

Most have heard of the harmful gases emitted from automobiles. Many people use cars daily for going to their workplace, travelling, and more. They have become one of the biggest necessities in our lives. However, gases from cars don’t escape the atmosphere, and they contaminate our air.

A very simple solution would be to drive less. While you will still need your car, make sure to use it less frequently, and use other means of transport when you have the opportunity. If you go to work by car usually, try going by bus this time. You increase your physical activity and raise your fitness levels by choosing to go on foot to some places. If you have a bike, use it as well.

Plus: A new and innovative solution is electric or solar-powered vehicles. Although new, they have been becoming more and more popular and they are cost-effective in the long run. If you are an owner of an electric car, then the above mentioned tips for driving less may not apply for you.

Overall, living an environmentally friendly lifestyle does not have to be difficult and it carries many benefits for our daily lives. All we need is to make small and consistent changes to make a difference.

Extra Tip:

It is also a good idea to buy green products. And you have plenty of options with online shopping as well. You can find so many green products online on websites like Amazon and browse for a variety of green products. There are some other websites that you can check out:

· Ethical Superstore

· Flora & Fauna

· Eat Cleaner

· ECOlunchbox

· Garden Tower Project (Gardening)

· Gaiam (Yoga And Fitness)

· Find a local Facebook group in which you can buy green products

Summary of the content:

· Recycling

· Buying more local food

· Eating less meat

· Replacing plastic bags with canvas bags

· Reusing what we can

· Turning off lights when we are not in a room

· Conserving more water

· Finding alternatives to daily plastic materials

· Using energy efficient lightbulbs

· Driving less