24 Best New Year's Resolutions

24 Best New Year's Resolutions

In this short article, we will introduce to you some very simple ideas about what you can take into consideration to make a positive difference in your life.

As 2024 is coming, many people are setting new goals. There are so many things you can achieve in just one year with two things: the desire to do so and working on making that desire come true.

Has it recently crossed your mind what you would like to do in the upcoming year? If not, now you can think about it, and if yes, then we could give you some more specific suggestions:

1. Pick up a new hobby.

And you can be creative with it. Think outside the box.

2. Procrastinate less.

For some of us, it is very easy to procrastinate. However, if you try to procrastinate less, you will notice that you will become so much more productive. If you procrastinate less, you will achieve a lot more next year!

3. Get in shape (but do not be too hard on yourself).

One of the best stress relievers and self-confidence boosters is physical exercise. Get in shape and make sure you enjoy the process. To make it more fun and motivating, you can listen to music while exercising.

4. Be kinder to yourself.

This year will be a little bit easier if you are less critical of yourself.

5. Be kinder to others.

And you will make it easier for others if you are less critical of them too.

6. Forgive and move on.

Life is not fair, but none of us will live a better new year if we hold grudges, or have stagnant negative feelings. Forgiveness and moving on is something you do for your own peace so that whatever new comes, you can embrace it. Only by moving on, can you embrace the upcoming year.

7. Learn a new language.

Learning languages can be a very fun and also stimulating activity, especially if you know you are going to practice them with natives.

8. Eat well and clean.

Eating healthy is not always easy with all the temptations and your food cravings. But being healthy does not mean making drastic changes in your diet. It can simply mean adding more nutritious foods to your diet.

9. Read more books.

Getting more educated never hurts or wastes your time.

10. Be grateful for everything.

Each year gives you some new things, either the things you wanted, little or big, or lessons. Accept them all with gratitude.

11. Laugh more.

Laughing is healing, laughing is healthy, and laughing makes you happy - so many reasons to laugh often next year!

12. Quit smoking and alcohol (if you smoke and drink).

Quit or reduce the consumption of alcohol and smoke less. Quitting will be quite a challenge if you are a heavy consumer of these substances, however, you will be on the pathway towards building stronger willpower and better health if you try.

13. Spend more time in nature.

Nature is beautiful, clean, and refreshing. Hiking is also a great way to exercise if done regularly.

14. Let go of past regrets.

The past has already ocurred and you cannot change it. Welcome the New Year with the past behind you. This one goes hand in hand with forgiving and moving on.

15. Adopt a pet.

Isn't a furry buddy a great gift you can give to yourself while also saving a life?

16. Love yourself the way you are.

You are not perfect and you will never be, however, you also have really good qualities in you as well, love yourself for everything that you are.

17. Do not focus on people's flaws.

People are also not perfect. Avoid putting unnecessary weight and criticism on them. You do not know if and how hard they might be fighting to overcome and work on their weaknesses and insecurities.

18. Deviate from your bad habits.

Bad habits are difficult to break, but so are you!

19. Try minimalism.

Try removing unnecessary objects – with a clean home comes a clean mind.

20. Visit a new country and discover a new culture.

Travel is a cure for unhappiness. Traveling to a new country will give you the ability to experience something different and new. Novelty can increase your sense of happiness.

21. Try foods you have never eaten.

Maybe trying out some new foods, or things in general, can turn into your new hobby.

22. Donate to charities.

If you can afford it, do it, not only because you will help someone, but because you might feel like a better and more productive person who helped another person or group of people who really need help.

23. Do not hold grudges.

Move on. Save yourself some negative emotions, so that you can enjoy life better.

24. Face your fears.

Fears can be so stubborn and persistent that they force you to face them so that they can go away. So try facing them! It does not mean they may go away immediately, but it is the effort that counts and that will make a difference.


You do not need to follow each of these tips, pick one (not necessarily from the list above), follow it, and you will see a positive difference, minor or significant, depending on your desire, hard work, and abilities.

After all, doing one positive thing a day is better than zero, so do not be too hard on yourself with these, and have fun!