3 Steps to Achieving Any Goal

3 Steps to Achieving Any Goal
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson / Unsplash

Are you full of dreams that you wish to turn into reality? We all are, but many of us find often obstacles when making our dreams come true.

In this article I will focus on helping you achieve your dreams through the power of your mind.

Here are a few things that are essential for you to do if you wish to find success:

1. Develop a Positive Feeling About Your Goal

It is impossible to achieve something without believing in it. While it is simple to say and difficult to do, because you cannot force yourself to have a positive feeling, there are some ways to change your mindset.

The important thing is to feel positive about the future and your goal without developing anxiety or worry that your dream will not come true. Simply look at the side of abundance, and appreciate who you are and what you have currently - and even if you do not acquire or make all your dreams come true, you will still feel fulfilled on the inside if you manage to maintain the mentality of abundance.

Do not lose the drive or tell yourself that the effort is not worth it because it is too risky, or that no matter how hard you try to achieve your goal, it will not work. This mindset will lead you to a fearful state and even if you make your dreams come true, you will be living in fear and doubt of losing what you have gained. A state of mind in which you have a negative feeling in advance will drive you further away from your goal.

Be kind to yourself and see things on the bright side!

2. Devote Yourself to Your Goal Through Your Actions and Do Not Be Afraid of Obstacles

There is a saying that your dreams do not work unless you do. And it happens to be right.

Having belief in something will not simply make it come true unless you are extremely lucky, and even if you get it by luck, depending on what it is and how difficult it is to acquire, then you would most likely need to work to keep it, so even luck cannot completely help you unless you do. You need to go after what you desire, and demonstrate to the universe that you want it through your own actions. If you do not do anything, it is very unlikely that your desires will come true on their own.

For example, if you wish to learn a new language, there is no way that this can happen without you wanting to put effort into learning it. And during the process of learning, you will find difficulties. But this should not demotivate you because if you truly have a drive, you will embrace those obstacles, while still having an image in your head for your desired result. It is not only about learning languages, but just about everything that you strive to achieve.

Obstacles are nothing to be afraid of because, if they did not exist, everyone would be able to do anything. If you run away from the challenges by giving up on your goal and jumping to another with hopes that it will be easier, you will sooner or later find out that there will be difficulties with the new goal too, so there are obstacles when obtaining anything that you do not have.

Instead of giving up, learn how to deal with failure and challenges and see them as something normal that will be awaiting in every corner. Find enough self-trust so that, through your positive mentality and actions, you can slowly, but surely climb towards the acquisition of your goals. Do not forget to not be hard on yourself and learn to enjoy the journey to your goals.

3. Decrease Your Expectations

Even though having a specific image in your head about what you strive to achieve could help with creating a specific plan for how to get there, it would be unhealthy to make expect it to happen exactly as you wish it to happen. Constantly focusing on your goal and putting in all the effort may make you think that your success is promised, and while I highly encourage positive thinking, you better not obsess and expect too much because this may lead to disappointment, especially since not everything depends on you, and anything could happen that could possibly ruin your plans.

But don’t get us wrong! We do not intend to demotivate you from achieving your goals, and we are not telling to not go for them. Just know that it is possible for things to not necessarily work out exactly the way you wish them to be. Work on your goal without thinking about the results you wish to achieve while doing it and find joys in the process. Also, do not focus on your biggest goal only, do other things in your free time and try to have fun.

Our goal is not to discourage you, but to prevent you from a possible disappointment. And even if you get discouraged and feel like giving up on your dreams, if you truly have inner belief, success may unexpectedly find you and show you that your efforts have been worth it.

Have belief and hope, and drop the expectations!

woman standing near body of water during daytime
Photo by Yoann Boyer / Unsplash

In conclusion, with this simple guide, our aim is to help you build the right mentality to successfully achieve your goals, while embracing failure and obstacles, through which we are making real progress.

And don’t forget that you need rest too!