4 Best Aspects in a Natal Chart

4 Best Aspects in a Natal Chart
Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand / Unsplash

If you are an astrology enthusiast, you have likely looked at your natal chart in detail at least once. For beginners, a natal chart is essentially an astrological map of the stars at the exact moment of a person's birth. It reveals unique details about some tendencies of ours, certain natural inclinations in relationships, and the inherent challenges we may face. Some of the most important elements in any natal chart are the planetary aspects - the angles formed by the planets relative to each other. In this blog post, we will discuss the four best aspects in a natal chart and how they can help you unleash your potential. So, let's dive right in! For best results, open your natal chart, and let's see which of these aspects you have natally.

1.         Trines (120°) △

A trine occurs when two planets are 120 degrees apart from one another. This harmonious aspect signifies a smooth flow of energies, allowing the planets involved to amplify each other's strengths. Trines create a sense of ease and optimism, encouraging us to embrace the opportunities life has to offer. A trine most often looks like an aspect between planets with zodiac signs that share the same element. Ex.: Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (both are water signs), or Moon in Aries trine Jupiter in Leo (both fire). However, they don't need to be in the same sign to form a trine, and they don’t always form a trine even if they are in the same element. There is a trine only if they form a 120-degree angle. Ex.: Mercury in Gemini (2°) and Uranus in Capricorn (28°) are in trine, but Mercury in Taurus (13°) is not in trine with Pluto in Virgo (26°) by aspect. Trines bring harmony, for example, having a Venus trine Jupiter aspect in your chart can point to a natural ability to attract and combine both love and prosperity. The only downside of the trine is that it can create too much comfort and ease, which can sometimes cause stagnation if there is not enough self-awareness. But what is so bad about having cosmic support to help make things happen more easily for you?

2.         Sextiles (60°) ⚹

A sextile is another soft aspect that occurs when two planets are 60 degrees apart. Much like trines, sextiles indicate harmonious interactions between the planets involved. However, sextiles require more conscious effort to tap into their full potential. A sextile typically occurs between planets in signs with compatible elements. Fire and air are compatible together, as well as earth and water. Example: Mars in Libra is sextile Venus in Sagittarius (air and fire), or Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Capricorn (water and earth). But again, there needs to be an angle formed for this aspect to occur. If you are an Aries Sun (6°) and your Mars is in Gemini (10°), you have a sextile, but if your Mars sign was in the 29° of Gemini, for example, the distance between the Sun and the Mars sign would be too great to form this auspicious aspect. When activated, these aspects gift us with opportunities for growth and success. For instance, a Mars sextile Sun aspect can bring about ambition and personal drive. Where do you have sextiles in your chart?

3.         Mutual Receptions

Mutual reception happens when two planets are in each other's ruling sign. This aspect creates some kind of planetary partnership, where the planets involved cooperate and strengthen each other. When in mutual reception, challenges are met with more ease and beneficial energies are amplified. An example of mutual reception is Venus in Aries and Mars in Taurus, resulting in increased passion and determination. Taurus is naturally ruled by Venus, the planet of our love language and our values, while Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and courage. They mutually support each other when they are in a mutual reception.

4.         Grand Trines (360°)

A Grand Trine involves three planets trining to each other, forming a perfect equilateral triangle. This special configuration imbues the natal chart with powerful but also harmonious energy. Not everyone has them, but those with a Grand Trine in their chart possess talent and natural abilities in certain areas, depending on which element the trine occurs (earth, air, fire, or water). Grand Trines foster fortitude, insight, and favorable outcomes in life.

Honorable Mention: Conjunctions (0°) ☌

Conjunctions occur when two or more planets are near one another, amplifying one another's energies. When it comes to conjunctions, it is more complicated. While some conjunctions can be challenging, others provide us with immense benefits, it depends on the planets involved in the conjunction. By combining the energies of these planets cohesively, we gain the opportunity to conquer obstacles and achieve our goals. A Sun conjunct Mercury aspect often denotes excellent communication skills and intellectual prowess.

Understanding and harnessing the power of these positive aspects in your natal chart can be a transformational experience. By working with these energies, you can learn to balance your strengths and overcome challenges, allowing your true potential to shine through.

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