4 Simple Ways to Significantly Improve Your Day

4 Simple Ways to Significantly Improve Your Day
Photo by Courtney Cook / Unsplash

Are you having a rough day? Or just an average day, but simply wish to improve it?

Here are a few very simple tips on how to significantly improve your day:

1. Do what you love.

This one seems very cliché and obvious, but a happy life is created by love – love for your loved ones, love for yourself, love for life, and love for what you do. What do you enjoy doing the most? If you do not know yet, go find out what it is and just do it.

Even if you do not have a lot of time, spending several minutes a day on what you enjoy will not hurt. In fact, quite the opposite, it will help you by bringing the positive emotions necessary to transform your day into a better one. Take that time for yourself to do what you love, you deserve it!

That way you can also boost your daily performance. Example: You are writing a long essay, and even if it needs to be delivered by midnight, you could still find a way to spend some 10 minutes on a relaxing or favorite activity of yours. Maybe do some stretching for 10 minutes, or do a short workout, or go play the guitar for 15 minutes and enjoy the moment, depending on what you love.

Imagine if every time you get exhausted from doing a boring activity again and again, you took a few minutes to do something that gives you energy, maybe that would help you to not feel like an exhausted and unhealthy human being, but rather someone who was both productive, but also happy today. Maybe it is not possible to do this during work, so before or after work, depending on your schedule and energy levels.

If you put your love for what you enjoy doing among your priorities, if you just give it a chance, if you find time for it, and if you turn it into a daily habit, it could turn into one of the sources of your happiness, not only for improving this day or tomorrow, but your everyday life as well.

2. Do some physical activity.

Being physically active will improve your day a lot. It will make you more alert, energized, calm, and will uplift your mood. It is a great way to start your day. Instead of having a cup of coffee in the morning, or in addition to it, you could grab an apple, or make some lemon water, and do some good stretches, or do more intense workouts that can give you energy. It will help you to wake up.

If you, however, find workouts too boring, find a buddy to do sports with, or put on your headphones and play an upbeat tune to keep you motivated. Find a way to find pleasure in it, to associate it with something positive so that you do it more often. Even 20 minutes of physical activity a day will significantly improve your day.

3. Have some good night's sleep.

Maybe you already know that a human being should get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, but that is not all. The majority of people do not get enough sleep, rather they go to bed late and have to get up early in the morning for work or school.

Unfortunately, some of us are not early birds and are most productive at night. However, in order to give yourself enough energy for the day when you do the most important things, you will need to get enough sleep. It will help you be productive, while having enough energy and not feeling so drained from daily tasks. You will feel more rested and will be less prone to stress.

Helpful tips for falling asleep: 

Before bed, try to relax your mind and devote this time to not think about absolutely anything, close your eyes, and forget about your stresses. Make yourself calm before bed, so that you do not think about anything before falling asleep. You could also have natural lavender scent near you to give you a pleasant relaxing aroma before bed.

But I believe that the best tip is to simply be really tired, so if you do many physical activities daily, it would definitely help you fall asleep faster later at night.

These are just general tips, but they may not work on absolutely everyone, so you are the one who can discover what works best for you.

4. Connect to the ones you love.

Connect to people and living beings, spend time with them, especially with the ones you love. It could be family, friends, a significant other, relatives, or others, even your pet.

The important thing is to feel connected, to show, give, and receive love. If you are a young person who lives far away from your parents, for example, connecting can be something as simple as a short call with your mom, simply to show her that you care.

If you have some acquaintances that you are not yet close to, but wish to be, every day is a chance to get closer to them and build new connections!

And the most important human that you could connect to and love is yourself. So, to put it into practice on a daily basis, that would mean for you to follow the tips above, which can help to some extent, or to practice positive self-talk, for example. The relationship you build with yourself is the most important one. Based on that one, you build relationships with others.

Overall, bringing positivity to your day does not necessarily mean doing too much, just doing some simple things that can have a great impact on your overall wellbeing. The beauty of life is in the very little things. And it is through the small daily habits and simple joys that we make a big difference in our lives.