About Us

Happily Aligned is an independent publication launched in November 2023 by Tery P. (Trayana). We create content mainly about astrology, the use of gemstones in astrology, spiritual healing, and even health and well-being. Subscribe today, and you'll be among the first to get notified when new content is posted via our newsletters.

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Meet Tery

Get to know me: I am Tery, the owner of Happily Aligned, and I am a full-time student. In my spare time, I enjoy learning crafts and different languages. Rediscovering myself many times motivated me to go on a deep soul-searching journey. That is how I found my biggest passions – astrology, spirituality, and the release of energy through creative expression. Creating has always helped me deal with daily challenges, and has greatly helped me evolve. I decided to start the Happily Aligned project, which is related to most of the above-mentioned topics.

I created this blog to help those interested in finding more balance in their mind, body, and spirit. I wish to share my knowledge while continuing to learn every day myself.

Happily Aligned is created to deliver useful content that can inspire you on your spiritual journey. We also aim to assist you in finding balance while succeeding in life by helping you understand the dynamics of relationships, happiness, and self-growth. We mostly publish content with guides on gemstones and their relation to astrology, but we also work on different topics, such as spirituality practices, psychology and well-being, and more. Occasionally, we may cover health-related subjects, and we may even share some recipes too. We strive to help you find balance in your life and we hope to help you reach your full potential!