Get Rid of Acne Once and for All

Get Rid of Acne Once and for All
Photo by Fleur Kaan / Unsplash

Do you feel tired from your acne? You have tried everything, but you are jumping to the conclusion that nothing works. Do not give up just yet because I am one of those who have suffered from acne, but things have changed for me...

While there are many factors for developing acne, there are some things that you can do about it.

A little bit about my acne story:

I am Tery, and I, like many other teenagers, developed acne in my early teenage years due to my still unstable hormone levels. So, if you are still in your teen years, it is normal to have acne outbreaks, which you should not worry about too much. This, of course, does not mean neglecting your acne and not taking care of your skin.

I had visited a dermatologist and I had tried a lot of anti-acne products, but nothing seemed to work for my skin. My acne suddenly decreased at the age of fifteen when I cut down on many junk foods and animal products in an attempt to be healthier. I noticed that my skin had cleared a lot, which was a surprise back at the time.

But then I fell back into the habit of eating more harmful foods due to stress, which was causing me to crave addictive and calorie-dense foods without much nutritional value. I had a second big acne breakout. Even though this was still in my late teens, I noticed that food plays an important role for the development of acne.

And every now and then, I develop some acne on my face, mostly when I fall back into the habit of consuming unhealthy foods often, and other smaller lifestyle choices and environmental factors.

This brings me to my first and most important tip:

bowl of vegetable salads
Photo by Anna Pelzer / Unsplash

1. Eat Clean

When I had my second acne outbreak, I quickly realized food is the biggest factor in my case. You become what you digest.

Most of us can imagine what is considered healthy and what not, but here is a reminder on the foods to avoid and foods to consume instead.

Sugar, dairy products, meats and highly processed foods are the biggest to blame. If you manage to cut them down to some extent, you will not be making the wrong choice.

Think about what your basic nutritional needs are: water, carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Calorie-rich, highly processed foods are simply made to be addictive and delicious, while also being cheap, which makes them very tempting to consume on a daily basis, and while they can satisfy your daily calorie intake requirements, they cannot give your body enough of what it needs because other than being filled with empty carbohydrates (you need complex carbs instead), refined oils, etc., they are not packed with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the health of your skin.

Meat and dairy consumption in excess contribute to the worsening of skin problems because they often contain added hormones that your body absorbs when it consumes. Proteins like whey and casein, which milk contains, stimulate growth and hormones, but when your body gets too much of these proteins, they start producing a hormone similar to insulin, which can create these acne breakouts.

Sugar is probably the most notable enemy of your skin because, when digested, it can get absorbed into your bloodstream quickly. When you consume too much sugar, more insulin is produced in your body, which can affect other hormones in your body, making your face more oily and susceptible to acne.

What Can You Do?

Reduce your consumption of the above mentioned foods while increasing the amount of nutritious meals. Try adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and less of the sweet temptations and processed carbs – foods like cupcakes, donuts, fries, etc.

Keep yourself hydrated with water or mineral-rich drinks such as fresh juices, but try to avoid sugary drinks or drinks with artificial sweeteners.

As I previously mentioned, add more vitamins into your diet. Get some fresh fruits and veggies, get or make a salad.

Some other foods that are good for your skin include, whole grains, legumes, nuts, brown rice, and a lot more. Just make sure you add a bit more of those foods to your diet, while also making sure that you are consuming the foods you personally prefer and that you are not allergic to. Do not force yourself to consume foods you know your body cannot digest, even if they are healthy for your skin.

2. Skin Care Routine

In addition to eating well, I still make sure I apply some skin care products on my face daily. Washing your face at least twice a day is important, usually in the morning and before going to bed. In the evening, after washing my face with cool water and drying it, I apply micellar water to clean it, then I apply anti-acne cream, which combined with a good diet, can help achieve a positive result. I make sure that the skin care products I purchase are herbal and homeopathic. It is important to avoid chemicals because the skin is delicate and it absorbs the substances you introduce it to. You can easily get what you find suitable according to your budget.

As a person who grew up in Bulgaria, which is famous for its rose oil production, I have had exposure to a lot of rose products and they are quite affordable locally. I sometimes wash my face with rose water. It is known for its numerous benefits on the skin, such as eliminating acne, soothing the skin, the anti-aging effects, among others, and it is all natural.