How to Ease and Take Care of Difficult Aspects in Your Natal Chart

How to Ease and Take Care of Difficult Aspects in Your Natal Chart

As much as we want our natal chart to predict a smooth and favorable life, it is not always the case. It’s quite common for a natal chart to have difficult aspects that signify various challenges in our lives, some of us even have predominantly challenging aspects. These difficult aspects in our natal chart can make the journey of life seem unbearable sometimes, but with a little bit of understanding of our birth chart, there are ways to ease the burden of difficult aspects and take care of ourselves. In this post, we will dive into some tips on how to handle and care for the difficult aspects of your natal chart.

Understanding the Aspects in Your Natal Chart

The first and most important step in handling difficult aspects of your natal chart is understanding what they represent. Planets in our natal charts carry different energies, and when they make aspects to one another, whether favorable or not, they create different effects on us. Take some time to study and understand the aspects present in your natal chart. This way, you will know what energy you are dealing with, and you can take the right measures to care for yourself. Trines and sextiles are considered soft and favorable, while squares, oppositions, and sometimes conjunctions are viewed as hard aspects. Hard aspects are not here to make you feel miserable and unaccomplished. On the contrary, challenging aspects provide an opportunity for growth, development, and success if you decide to work with them, instead of avoiding and resisting their influence. Easy-flowing aspects make you feel good, they give you comfort, but they can sometimes create laziness. Hard aspects require you to work harder to achieve your goals, but they make you more resilient and strong, while giving you valuable life lessons that once you learn, you can become more grateful than ever. On top of that you get hard-earned rewards that have long-term value. A challenging aspect makes you work harder to achieve satisfaction in a certain area in your life, be it your inner world, relationships, self-image, work and career, and more.

An example: Neptune (the planet of dreams and illusions) square Moon (your innate emotions and instincts) makes you very creative and imaginative. However, such an aspect can create a lack of emotional clarity, and it can make it harder for you to discern between reality and illusion. To work through these challenges, it is best to use your rich imagination in positive ways and to try to stay present and grounded, while avoiding escapism and getting lost in their inner world.

So where do you have challenging aspects in your chart? How do you plan on improving these areas of your life?

Mindful and Intentional Living

It is common for people with hard aspects to experience anxiety or depression, for example, especially if these aspects affect your Moon sign. To ease the difficulties that arise from such aspects, it is essential to practice mindful and intentional living. Try being present and focusing on what you can control at the moment. Do things that make you happy, find a new hobby, or try something new. When you’re intentional about your daily choices, you are less likely to get overwhelmed by the present challenges. A person with sun that has many a difficult aspects could benefit from consciously avoiding negativity and spending time with more uplifting people and environments that help them be more positive and confident, for example. A person with a moon in tough aspects with other planets should focus on taking better care of their innermost needs while also avoiding suppressing their emotions. Conscious effort can really help you work better with the challenging energies in your chart.

Meditation and Breathwork

As mentioned earlier, difficult aspects in your natal chart carry different energies that can manifest differently in your daily life, but what they all have in common is that what they cause is struggle and sometimes chaos and stress. To achieve spiritual equilibrium when dealing with challenging energies, especially if you have many hard aspects, you can take practical steps. You can, for example, join yoga or meditation classes to help you develop a more peaceful mind. Breathwork can also be an effective way to bring emotional stability. Breathing is a bodily process that connects your body to the outer world. Practicing conscious breathing techniques or meditation regularly can greatly help you feel refreshed and it clears your mind, which leads to more calmness and balance in your life. If hard aspects become difficult to deal with and cause daily stress, not only can you work on bettering your weak spots, but you can also always practice relaxing activities like the above-mentioned yoga, meditation and breathwork to help you center and ground your energy.

Here is a little exercise: Close your eyes, and sit down with a straight, open, and relaxed posture. Visualize breathing in strength and resilience, and breathing out your fears and insecurities. Take long deep breaths and slowly exhale all the air in your lungs. Repeat several times. You can do this for 3-5 minutes daily.


Journaling can help people deal with some difficult emotions. But you can also use journaling for other purposes, such as to analyze and understand your natal chart better. By writing down your thoughts and feelings, you can gain a better perspective and look at your life from different angles. You can notice that common patterns from certain experiences repeat, which indicates they may be happening for a reason, and that could show you what you need to work on. Linking these patterns to certain astrological tendencies you see in your chart can help you notice what is a prominent weak spot that seems to call your attention. You can also track the positive energies, as we all have strengths too! Journaling can also help you track your progress on your spiritual and self-development journey, and make you more self-aware. Take journaling as a means of venting out your emotions, while tracking how these emotions and experiences relate to some of the weak spots in your chart. You have the power to improve your life and to maintain a positive mindset!

In conclusion, your natal chart is unique, and it makes no sense to compare it to someone else's chart. Embrace your challenges and see them as opportunities to grow and learn. Always remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish. It is essential for you to live your life to the fullest while navigating the ups and downs that come with difficult aspects. By understanding your natal chart and taking practical steps to care for yourself, you can overcome your toughest challenges and lead a fulfilling life.