Looking for Happiness? Stop Chasing It and Read This.

Looking for Happiness? Stop Chasing It and Read This.
Photo by Edu Lauton / Unsplash

Happiness… many of us are chasing it, always feeling like there are still some unfulfilled things left that prevent us from feeling the amount of happiness that we imagine in our heads. We often wonder what we can do to be happy without realizing that no matter what actions we initiate, if we do not carry happiness inside, we cannot get it from the outside.

So, how do you just find it from the inside? What do we chase if not happiness? Should you even try to chase anything to feel fulfilled?

A simple answer: no. There is no need to go after anything to be happy. Feeling fulfilled starts from right here and right now, no matter where you are and no matter what you possess, or do not possess. The idea that you should chase something that will result in happiness will make you forever run after it without reaching it while pushing you further away from it.

How to be fulfilled right here and right now without chasing anything external?

silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain
Photo by Chang Duong / Unsplash

1. See From the Point of View of Abundance

Instead of thinking about the things that you do not have, focus on the things you do have. Even if you have little, it will feel like enough, and you will not crave more. You, of course, should not give up on your goals, but see them rather as an addition to your life instead of believing they are the only path to happiness because not achieving them might make you feel loss and disappointment. Don’t be harsh on yourself or live with high expectations of acquiring everything that you believe will make you happy because you will only be disappointed when things don’t happen the way you have planned.

Focus on some small things that you already have in your life. Try to imagine losing them. It's not a pleasant thought, is it? So, nothing is to be taken for granted because anything can be lost, which should not frustrate you but motivate you to appreciate what you already have and know that it can always be worse.

And when you feel a loss, find a way to still focus on what you currently still have. This kind of mindset will help you to not only be happier but tackle losses and life's difficulties better.

2. Live Simply

The reason why so many people nowadays are not fulfilled is that they make their lives unnecessarily complicated. Sometimes daily tasks can be too boring or physically and emotionally draining because they can get complicated. Even then, you need to make sure you find or add something pleasant, even if little or for a short time, that will make your life more enjoyable.

For example, notice the taste and temperature of the coffee in your mouth in the morning. Or when you walk on the street, notice how your feet feel while walking on the ground. There are always some tiny little positive things worth learning how to enjoy. Sometimes chilly wind on an uncomfortably hot day can be your source of joy if you pay attention to it.

If you do not find a way to enjoy the small things while worrying about the big and more complicated issues, you will miss a pleasant moment, which would simply slip through your fingers unnoticeably.

If you ever wonder why animals can be happier than us on their own, it is because they cannot think about big issues and things outside of their control, such as the past. They are simply happy by meeting their basic needs. We humans often focus on our past which weighs us down. And while it is difficult to just get some things from the past out of your mind, it is possible to try and follow animals in their way of functioning, not literally.

We, humans, are able to form more complex thoughts than animals. Since our brains are more developed than those of other animals, we can use this to train ourselves to think more simply when we can allow ourselves to do this while saving ourselves energy that could be used for solving more complex issues when they arrive. This energy is otherwise wasted if we spend our time overthinking and regretting unnecessarily. 

For example, you may have many problems at work, and they need to be solved, or solutions that need to be found, in that case, overthinking and being concerned can help you solve these problems. Stress pushes some of us to try and do better at work. Without caring enough, we would not be able to succeed. 

But success does not necessarily equal happiness. I wouldn’t label animals as successful in the way that most of us imagine. 

Outside of work, you have the chance to not overthink the things that you are not currently involved with, which excludes tasks that your employer gives to you to complete in your free time, for example, or anything that needs to be prepared beforehand. Some jobs can also be more engaging outside of working hours. But even then, you can find small and simple things that even just for a moment you can try to focus on and enjoy. This will make you feel a lot better. The advice I have in this case is to try to not think about work while you are having rest. Yes, tomorrow may be a difficult day. But it’s tomorrow, not today. Enjoy the now and have a nice cup of tea, or whatever else you prefer.

a young boy running through a sprinkle of water
Photo by MI PHAM / Unsplash

Now that you know how to be present and grateful for the simple things, start applying and combining these two steps into your daily life. You will not only notice you feel more satisfied with your everyday life, but you will see that the mindset of the “half-full glass” will help you create abundance. You will become aware of how much you start to gain even when you lose.

In the end, happiness can be defined differently by different people. What makes one happy is not the same for others. But to achieve the most fundamental level of fulfillment, we need to try to be mindful and present while enjoying the small and simple things in life.