Pluto in Aquarius - Entering the Era of Innovation and Revolution

Pluto in Aquarius - Entering the Era of Innovation and Revolution
Photo by NASA / Unsplash

Hello, cosmic lovers! Are you ready for what these two decades have in store for us? Pluto entered Aquarius in January, and it will stay in it for several months before retrograding back into Capricorn in September for a short time. After that we will have nearly twenty years of Pluto in Aquarius. So are you ready for this long transit, and how will it affect you personally?

A Few Words About Pluto... Pluto brings deep and intense transformations. The energy of Pluto is that of inevitable change, and sometimes even destruction, that needs to happen. You cannot control the inevitable, and even your ego cannot fight back. But you can embrace the transformation and learn from what Pluto is trying to bring to the surface and teach you. Transformations don't happen immediately in one day, so this planet mirrors that with its slow movement around its orbit, and thus, it stays in the same sign for quite some time, allowing us to slowly, but surely learn its lessons and transform different areas of our life that need to change.

Pluto in Aquarius

First, let's see what it means when Pluto is in Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign, related to liberation, freedom, humanity and sudden changes. For a very long time Pluto was in Capricorn. This was a time when we experienced transformations with politics, institutions, and work. Aquarius energy brings something new to the table. Aquarius comes here to liberate and make us question these institutions, Aquarius awakens society and the masses. We may notice that people start living more green, we may witness more protests and the masses will be the focus here, whereas with Pluto in Capricorn there was a predominant focus on those who govern. In our personal lives, we may feel like a weight has been lifted and slowly our focus will be shifting to more humanitarian causes.

What does it mean for you personally? So Pluto is a generational planet, which means that you may not be very deeply affected by it personally so you may or may not relate to these things that we mentioned above. If you have planets in fixed signs, especially personal planets, this transit may feel more personal to you. The fixed signs are Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. We need to also take into consideration the aspects between transiting Pluto and our natal placements. For example, Pluto in Aquarius is in trine with my natal Mars which means that I feel very motivated to make new changes and I desire to change my life and embrace the challenges Pluto is trying to face me with. This is a time for motivation and ambition for me. But it's not that simple, Pluto will be squaring many of my personal planets, including my Saturn, which means that I will have unforeseen obstacles coming my way that I will need to overcome. My foundation will be shaky and I will need to learn to let go of my need to try to control the situation. So do you have any aspects between transiting Pluto in the planets in your natal chart?

Pluto Throughout the Houses:

Our main focus in this article are the houses which transiting Pluto will be in for the next twenty years. So open your birth chart and check your houses. Look for where Aquarius is in your chart. If you are a Virgo rising, which is your first house, you are likely to have Aquarius in your sixth house. Pluto transiting the 1st house If Pluto is transiting your first house, then you most likely are an Aquarius rising, or perhaps Capricorn. In the first house, Pluto may bring about a deep sense of self-discovery and personal growth. It can push us to confront our fears and insecurities, ultimately leading to a stronger sense of self-awareness. After this transit, you may develop a deep inner knowing of the fact that your sense of identity is not set in stone, you will change, and that is beautiful and powerful. Pluto transiting the 2nd house As Pluto moves through the second house, it may bring about financial upheavals or changes in our values and priorities. This transit can force us to reevaluate our relationship with money and material possessions. After this transit is over, your views on money and material possessions will have changed. Pluto transiting the 3rd house In the third house, Pluto's influence may manifest as intense communication or power struggles within relationships with siblings or neighbors. It can also push us to confront any hidden truths or secrets that have been buried deep within. With Pluto in the house of communication, you may become more powerful in your communication style if you learn how to embrace the challenges that this transit will bring in this area of life. Pluto transiting the 4th house Pluto transiting the 4th house is a powerful and transformative experience that can deeply impact one's sense of security, home life, and emotional foundations. The 4th house represents our roots, family, and innermost feelings, making Pluto's influence in this area particularly intense. Pluto transiting the 5th house Pluto transiting the 5th house is a powerful and transformative experience that can bring about profound changes in one's creative expression, love life, and sense of self. During this transit, individuals may find themselves delving deep into their passions and uncovering hidden talents or desires. Pluto transiting the 6th house This transit can bring changes in one's daily routines, work life, and health. During this transit, individuals may find themselves facing deep-seated issues related to their work environment or physical well-being. Ultimately, this transit encourages us to take control of our daily lives and make necessary changes for our overall well-being. Pluto transiting the 7th house During this transit, individuals may experience intense changes and upheavals in their relationships. This transit can also bring issues of power dynamics and control to the surface, leading to power struggles or even the end of certain relationships. By facing our deepest fears and insecurities head-on, we have the opportunity to emerge stronger and more empowered in our relationships. Pluto transiting the 8th house Pluto transiting your eight house can bring profound and powerful transformation in your life. When Pluto, the planet of power and intensity, moves through this house, it can unearth hidden desires, fears, and insecurities that have been buried deep within the subconscious. This can be a challenging time as old patterns and beliefs are shattered in order to make way for new growth and evolution. It is a time of intense self-discovery and personal growth that can lead to profound spiritual awakening. Pluto transiting the 9th house During this transit, individuals may find themselves questioning long-held beliefs and seeking deeper meaning in their lives. They may feel compelled to explore new spiritual practices or embark on journeys of self-discovery. This transit can also bring about a desire for higher learning and intellectual growth. It may bring about power struggles or conflicts related to belief systems. Pluto transiting the 10th house The tenth house represents our ambitions, achievements, and reputation in the world. During this transit, individuals may experience power struggles or confrontations with authority figures that force them to reassess their goals and aspirations. Pluto transiting the 11th house With this influence, individuals may find themselves reevaluating their relationships with friends and colleagues, as well as their involvement in various social causes or community activities. With Pluto being in the sign of Aquarius, the Aquarian themes of community, humanitarian causes may be more significant for individuals who have Aquarius in the 11th house, or Pluto transiting their 11th house, which is the house of Aquarius. Pluto transiting the 12th house The 12th house is associated with hidden fears, secrets, and the unconscious mind, making it a potent arena for Pluto's intense energy to work its magic. Pluto forces you to confront your shadow self. This can be a challenging process, but ultimately it leads to a greater sense of self-awareness. Pluto's transit through the 12th house can also bring about profound spiritual awakenings and a deeper connection to the divine.

Overall, no matter what Pluto is doing in your chart, you will definitely see shifts and changes, and after twenty years, things will make so much more sense after having transformed a certain area of your life, and you will be able to tell how this transformative energy will play out personally for you. Pluto in Aquarius brings blessings and challenges, like any Pluto placement. Without Pluto's influence, we would be stagnant and not progressing to the next level. If you choose to see it from the bright sight and embrace its energy, you will emerge renewed, stronger and wiser than before.