Reasons People Go Vegetarian And Why You Should Too

Reasons People Go Vegetarian And Why You Should Too
Photo by Zach Reiner / Unsplash

Veganism and vegetarian lifestyles have become increasingly popular in the recent years. People have many reasons to desire to go vegan. Some may give up after some time. What makes them want to switch to this lifestyle, and why you may want to do it as well?

Why do people go vegetarian or vegan, and why you should too?

1. For Better Health

Well-prepared and planned vegan/ pescetarian/ vegetarian diets can give us all the nutrients we need to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. From clearing acne, sleeping better, to feeling more light and energetic, many people notice some of those or more changes when they switch to more plant-based diets and these are some of the reasons why many start this lifestyle. However, don’t let this fool you. There is unhealthy vegan junk food too, so it all depends on what type of food you consume. We will discuss how to reach better health results on a vegan diet further down below.

2. For the Environment

There is a lot of damage caused to the environment due to the destruction of land for the mass construction of animal factories and for growing food intended for feeding lifestock. That land could potentially be a great source of food for us too. Animals like cows release gases such as methane, one of the causes for global warming, while at the same time destroying forests that have been a habitat for other animals and endangered species. There are so many reasons why environmentalists go vegan, or at least choose to consume dairy products less often.

3. For the Animals

Animal lovers are a large portion of those who go vegan or vegetarian. People who have developed emotional attachments to animals, and who are against animal abuse may simply not wish to take part in something that goes against their moral values. Avoiding meat, and sometimes other animal products is a way to stand against animal cruelty.

4. For Managing Body Weight More Easily

While this is not the most common reason to go vegan or vegetarian, it is still a benefit for some since many vegan foods are not as rich in fats as animal-related products. We do not recommend food restrictions and limiting your calorie intake for weight loss. You can live a fully healthy and abundant vegan lifestyle, getting enough daily energy from food, and combined with a healthy amount of physical activity, you can still lose weight without limiting your body from vital vitamins and minerals. Sometimes, however, the opposite can be observed - it is when people gain weight through plant-based diets. This happens because you consume a larger portion of plant-based food alternatives to get enough nutrients. You cannot expect a plant-based or vegetarian diet to make you slim. You can binge on cake, Oreos and chips, all of this is basically vegetarian. But if you consume the right foods and get the appropriate cooking ingredients, you can definitely keep your body in a good and healthy shape!

Many decide to jump-start a diet or a lifestyle without being informed enough and then they give up. It is important to make small and gradual changes while becoming vegetarian or vegan so that you don't stress your body.