Should You Be Friends With Exes?

Should You Be Friends With Exes?
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Relationships can be beautiful and fulfilling, but they can also be messy and complicated. Breakups are never easy, and there are often lingering feelings and questions after the fact. Many people wonder if remaining friends with an ex is a good idea. Is it possible to have a healthy friendship with someone you used to date? In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of being friends with an ex and offer some advice on how to navigate this tricky territory.


1. The Pros of Being Friends With an Ex

Firstly, the allure of being friends with an ex is that you already have an established connection and history. You share memories and experiences that no one else can replicate. Remaining friends can help you preserve some of these happy moments, especially if you had a lot of good times together. It may also make it easier to communicate with your ex in the future, especially if you share mutual friends or interests.

Additionally, being friends with an ex can provide a sense of closure. If you're struggling to let go of your feelings for your ex, maintaining a friendship can give you some distance while still staying in their life. You may find that over time, your romantic feelings fade, and you can genuinely enjoy their company platonically.


2. The Cons of Being Friends With an Ex

However, there are many risks associated with being friends with exes. For starters, staying in contact with your ex can make it much harder to move on and find closure. If you're still in love with them, seeing them regularly can be a constant reminder of what you've lost. It may also be difficult to see them move on and start new relationships, particularly if you're not ready to do the same.


Another issue is the potential for mixed signals and confusion. If you or your ex still have feelings for each other, being friends can lead to miscommunication and a lack of clarity about your relationship. Hanging out alone or flirting can make it challenging to define your connection, leading to hurt feelings and unmet expectations.


3. How to Navigate Being Friends With an Ex

If you do decide to remain friends with your ex, there are several steps you can take to make the transition smoother. Firstly, it's essential to be honest about your intentions and expectations. If you're not ready to see them date other people, or you still have romantic feelings, it's best to take a break from seeing them for a while.

You should also set clear boundaries and communicate them consistently. Avoid spending too much alone time together or participating in activities that feel overly romantic or intimate. It's also okay to take things slow and not rush into rekindling a friendship immediately.

Lastly, you should be aware that being friends with an ex may not be possible for everyone. If the relationship ended on a sour note, or there is still too much emotional baggage, it may be best to cut ties entirely. You should prioritize your well-being and mental health above any desire to stay connected.


In conclusion, whether or not you should be friends with an ex depends on several factors. While there are benefits to preserving your connection, there are also many risks involved. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what feels right for your situation. It's important to be honest, communicate clearly, and prioritize taking care of yourself. Remember that it's okay to take things slow and that you don't have to rush into any decisions. Whatever you decide, make sure it's a choice that aligns with your values and goals.