The Global Impact - How Our Actions Affect the Environment

The Global Impact - How Our Actions Affect the Environment
Photo by Noah Buscher / Unsplash

Now is the time of mass consumption and we have a constant need for new products. We have a high dependence on materials that turn out to be harmful to both our health and the environment. So, while the global demand is growing, the resources are limited. Why should we care about the preservation of nature and how our daily choices affect it?


Trees help preserve the ozone layer and their abundance keeps the planet safe from the increasing temperatures. They do this by breathing in and storing carbon dioxide while exhaling oxygen. Another awesome thing they do is that they trap particles such as debris, dust and more; thus, contributing to better air quality. They help for the cooling of temperatures by absorbing the sun heat while trapped warmth helps having milder coldness in the cool months. By cutting them, the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, so when we cut massive amounts of trees, this is how we contribute greatly to problems like global warming. Also, a large number of animals call forests home. By removing trees and burning forests, we lead to the loss of the habitat of these animals that call these forests home. Flooding and erosion are also more common and they happen when there are not enough trees.

green trees on brown soil
Photo by gryffyn m / Unsplash

Climate Change

Climate change is not a myth, but something that has been happening for 50 years now. It occurs when carbon dioxide and other polluting substances stay in the atmosphere and absorb solar radiation and heat from the sun. The radiation is supposed to escape from the planet, but instead, these pollutants keep it inside, leading to increasing temperatures. This is what we call the greenhouse effect. Due to it, there are more frequent droughts, powerful hurricanes, rising sea levels, melting ice caps and heavier rainfall. Human activity is a significant contributor to global warming. We increase greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels. As previously mentioned, deforestation is also one of the causes of climate change. Another important cause is the global increase of livestock farming. Some domestic animals such as cows produce other harmful greenhouse gases.

white clouds over city skyline during night time
Photo by Alexei Scutari / Unsplash


Air Pollution:

Poor air quality kills people and creates health issues. Air pollution can cause cancer, respiratory diseases, heart disease and more. As mentioned previously in the post, air pollution also contributes to climate change as well. It is estimated that air pollution causes 1 in 8 deaths worldwide according to the WHO.

Water Pollution:

We better not ignore this one because water is one of the driving forces of life on Earth. The human body is made up of around 60% water and we need it in our daily lives. Unfortunately, currently we are in a freshwater crisis because of the small portions of accessible freshwater and the continuing of pollution of drinkable water. The pollution is caused by large pieces of trash and dropped chemicals that are not recycled.

Soil Pollution:

Caused by human-made agricultural chemicals in the soil, improper waste disposal, and industrial activities, this type of pollution poses a great risk to land arability and food production. It is essential that we have clean soil in order to have better food quality, and better health.

photo of coconut tree near seashore
Photo by Dustan Woodhouse / Unsplash

What Main Steps Can We Take as a Society?

Protect Endangered Species

The health of an ecosystem is dependent on plants and animals. When they become endangered, the good condition of the fragile ecosystem also becomes endangered. It requires balance. Without it, species dependent on it and on each other will go extinct. We need to try to achieve a well-balanced ecosystem by protecting endangered species in order to have better arable land, cleaner air, etc. Fortunately, there are many global non-profit organizations, local communities and governments that are bringing awareness to this issue.

Use Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the type of energy collected by natural resources such as sunlight, rain, wind and other. We cannot exhaust this energy and we can renew it. It is a great alternative to the harmful fossil fuels, and, luckily, it is becoming more and more popular while at the same time not causing damage to the environment and people.

Make Reforestation Efforts

And last but not least, plant trees. Reforestation is the re-growing of trees in a land that has lost its previous tree population. We can use it as a way to improve air quality by soaking up the dust and the polluting chemicals. By doing this, we are able to reverse the effects of rapid climate change and avoid further such. We can also restore the habitats of animals and prevent them from extinction.

What Can You Personally Do to Live Greener?

1. Recycle

2. Reuse

3. Reduce Your Meat Consumption

4. Use More Public Transport And Drive Less

5. Buy More Local Food

6. Plant Trees

The power of helping the environment and ensuring that we continue to breathe fresh and clean air is in our hands. If we take some small steps individually, we can create a significant positive impact.

We live with the illusion that we own the Earth, but we are mere passengers on this planet.

When you take care of nature, you are taking care of yourself!